At last the call came! The Rigaud River canoe run was on! Easter Saturday was the designated day, and over 20 kayakers and canoeists turned up for this annual fun event led by Bob, of VKH canoe club; Wilma from the Philippines and Devaki from Guatamala made up the international contingent! The weather this year… Continue reading Rigaud River Canoe Run 2014
Category: News
Cornwall Heritage Fair 2014
Dalkeith Historical Society was invited to participate in the Cornwall Heritage Fair Sat. Feb. 22, 2014. About 10 groups participated. DHS brought a WW2 veterans exhibit as well as a Children’s art exhibit from Laggan Public School. Thanks to all who helped in any way.
Robbie Burns Brunch 2014
The Dalkeith Historical Society hosted their annual Robbie Burns Brunch Saturday January 25,2014 as part of the very successful Dalkeith Winter Carnival which is organized by the Dalkeith Recreation Association. This Years entertainment once again saw the ever popular Macleod Fiddlers and Dancers perform alongside the McKenna Heritage performers. There was a good crowd in… Continue reading Robbie Burns Brunch 2014
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING -Saturday May 31, 2014
“There’s a meeting here today, there’s a meeting here today I can tell by the smile on your face, there’s a meeting here today”song refrain Saturday May 31, 2014 Meet & Greet 11:00-11:30 A.M. 11:30 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 11:30 For the DALKEITH HISTORICAL SOCIETY GUEST SPEAKER MR. ALLAN JOSEPH MACDONALD Glengarry County Archivist The soon… Continue reading ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING -Saturday May 31, 2014